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Green Cities

Green Villages

Services For a
Green Energy Revolution

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Our Goals Are To:

  • Provide educational, consulting and research services to promote the development of renewable energy startups -- businesses and projects in our target areas.

  • Support green startups by helping them fulfill their personnel and volunteer needs, through outreach, recruitment and on-the-job training.

  • Contribute to community planning by bringing together stakeholders who are involved in renewable energy projects or would like to initiate new projects: businesses, non-profits, funding groups, local community organizations, churches. This, in order to explore in detail how to implement action plans for their local or regional area that deploys renewable energy.

  • Research financing possibilities and government incentives for green energy businesses and projects and for stimulating the creation of jobs in renewable energy and sustainability.

  • Promote the development of green cities in the U.S. and green villages in developing countries by the greater adoption of renewable energy projects and the creation of green jobs.

  • Seek out and recruit high school, college graduates and unemployed skilled personnel for renewable energy job training programs and internships, and otherwise support the entry of youth and unemployed personnel into the renewable energy field.

  • Promote networking among renewable energy stakeholders on an ongoing basis.


Mission Statement

The mission of Green Cities—Green Villages
is to provide research and development services to businesses and projects to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and the creation of green jobs locally, regionally and globally.

Our target areas are New Haven, Connecticut, a few U.S. Northeast U.S. cities and developing countries.